Thursday, August 14, 2008

WasteByRail - Is it coming to Alliance Landfill?

Just imagine for a moment not being able to sleep at night because of the loud noise of a train horn blasting as the train hurtles down the track hauling waste into Alliance Landfill. Never though about that one...huh!

Federal law requires trains approaching street level crossings to sound their horns for 15 to 20 seconds between 96 to 110 decibels (about as loud as a jackhammer next to your ear) according to the Federal Railroad Administration rules.

In an effort to improve the quality of life for people living near landfills accepting waste by rail residents all across America have begun to seek federal designation for train horn quite zones.

Take a look and listen for yourself at waste by rail below:

The Alliance landfill Task Force has recently been contacted by a group that claims to have information for our community on the waste industries plans to bring waste into our area by rail through the restoration of the Lackawanna Cutoff. We will be meeting with this group shortly and we will keep the community informed of any information we obtain.