Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Alliance Landfill Task Force meets with Congressman Paul Kanjorski staff

The Alliance Landfill Task Force was recently invited to Congressman Paul Kanjorski's office in Wilkes-Barre to discuss Alliance Sanitary Landfill, its owner and operating company Waste Management Incorporated. However, Congressman Kanjorski himself did not attend the meeting! We were received by Mr. Tom Williams (District Projects Director) and Mr. Fred Ney (District Director) who both represented Congressman Kanjorski.

The discussion of the meeting focused on asking how Congressman Kanjorski could help the residents of our communities. The Alliance Landfill Task Force presented documentation from several federal and state sources to Mr. Williams for review. The Alliance Landfill Task Force also presented a two page letter to Congressman Kanjorski (C/O Mr.Williams) asking for immediate assistance in obtaining documentation from the PaDEP regarding Alliance Sanitary Landfill. The letter also ask for Congressman Kanjorski to support our efforts on mandatory PM2.5 Community Based Air Monitoring for Alliance Sanitary Landfill. However, with the upcoming election we asked Congressman Kanjorski to please respond with his political views on landfills.

The Alliance Landfill Task Force respectfully requested that Congressman Kanjorski please respond in writing to our request by July 11th, 2008.

Today is July 16th, 2008 and the Alliance Landfill Task Force still has not received a response from Congressman Paul Kanjorski.

It looks like the time that the Alliance Landfill Task Force met with Congressman Kanjorski's staff was "trashed" (pun-intended).

Remember, Congressman Kanjorski's response at election time!!

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