In an effort to stop Waste Management from continuing to expand landfills across the United States of America our group has begun to sell the baseball cap shown to the left.
The baseball caps can be purchased at a price of $12.99 each. Four dollars of the sale from each cap will be used towards the advertising of a campaign to point out the negatives in landfilling. The remaining funds will be used for the production of the cap.
To order your cap please send a check payable to:
Alliance Landfill Task Force
Alliance Landfill Task Force
P.O. Box 301
Taylor, PA. 18517
*Please allow 7 business days for your cap to arrive.
The ATSDR has categorized the Alliance Landfill (which is owned and operated by Waste Management) as an Indeterminate Public Health Hazard. Waste Management for the past four years still has not agreed to a community air monitoring plan.