Friday, June 27, 2008

Bear supports community on landfill issues

The Black Bear of NEPA was quoted this week saying "GRRRR...ROAR....GRRRR" and demonstrated his community support this week for the Alliance Landfill Task Force. When translated the Black Bear stated " I support the Alliance Landfill Task Force and I will no longer eat from Waste Management dumpsters".
Wildlife and bear expert Curry Oates has confirmed the translation.
Well.....have a great weekend everyone and our battle for the community resumes on Monday.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I can't hear you (hands on ears)

The Alliance Landfill Task Force for the past year has been trying to make contact with several of our local state and federal legislators to discuss several issues concerning Alliance Landfill.

It seems that a few of our elected legislative representatives have decided to remove their hands from their ears and respond to our group. The Alliance Landfill Task Force has been invited to sit and meet with both state and federal legislative officials. One meeting has been confirmed and the other meeting is waiting confirmation.

Please continue to view the blog for updates...Thank You!