WASHINGTON, April 1, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Senate Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety heard testimony today from unions in the Change to Win partnership on the need for greater oversight by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of companies with a history of serious, ongoing safety violations -- including waste hauling giant Waste Management, Inc.
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Teamsters President Jim Hoffa made the following statement before the Senate Subcommittee:
"We've all seen the commercials where those gleaming WMI trucks drive through green landscapes. But the truth belies WMI's marketing. Nearly 60% of the WMI workers surveyed rated WMI's truck maintenance as fair, poor or a failure," Hoffa said. "So how safe are workers in these trucks, and how safe are the other drivers on the road with these trucks?"
In Harms Way, a report released by the National Commission of Inquiry into the Worker Health and Safety Crisis in the Solid Waste Industry sums up Waste Management as "playing a risky game with workers' lives and public safety."
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